We’re organizing our Monday evening meditation a little differently this year to allow for greater accessibility. All meditation evenings will begin as usual at 7:00pm and conclude by 8:30ish. The links to the Zoom evenings and the location of the in-person evening is available upon request via email to rhowlettlaw@gmail.com.
1st and 3rd Mondays InPerson/Hybrid Zoom evenings. (Location and link provided upon request) Seated and walking meditation, dharma talk, sutra service, and discussion. 
The 2nd Monday of the month will be Zoom only. (Link provided upon request) Seated and walking meditation, dharma talk, sutra service, and discussion.
The 4th Monday of the month will be a New Program via Zoom. It will consist of an Open Sitting with an opportunity to Meet with a Teacher if you wish. (Link provided upon request)
On this new 4th Monday night, we’ll offer an evening of silent unstructured meditation and you can also bring your practice questions to a teacher in a private Breakout Room if you wish. Everyone is welcome to drop in and meetings with a teacher will be on a first come/first served basis. When you log on, a facilitator will be on hand to manage the evening. If you’d like a meeting with a teacher, you would need to log on by 7:15.
The 5th Monday will be a Zoom only evening. (Link provided upon request) Seated and walking meditation, dharma talk, sutra service, and discussion.
(All in person evenings include a hybrid Zoom as well)
01/06  In Person Rachel Mansfield-Howlett Roshi

01/13  Zoom - Chris Bell Sensei
01/20      In Person Deanna Hopper Sensei
01/27 Open Meditation/Dokusan - Gary Brandt Sensei

02/03 In Person Rachel Mansfield-Howlett Roshi
02/10 Zoom - Deanna Hopper Sensei
02/17 In Person Gary Brandt Sensei (President’s Day) 
02/24 Open Meditation/Dokusan - Chris Bell Sensei

03/03 In Person Rachel Mansfield-Howlett Roshi
03/10 Zoom - Senseis Chris Bell & Gary Brandt
03/17 Sesshin
03/24 Open Meditation/Dokusan - Gary Brandt Sensei
03/31.      Zoom Michelle Brandt Sensei

04/07 In Person Rachel Mansfield-Howlett Roshi
04/14 Zoom - Chris Bell Sensei
04/21 In Person - Michelle Brandt Sensei
04/28 Open Meditation/Dokusan - Chris Bell Sensei